Personalized Talks

Do you have a special interest in art, but you just don’t have the time to visit all of the museums or read all of the books you want? 

I can be your personal and private art historian. I have over 25 years of experience teaching all eras of art history at universities in central Texas. I offer art talks for you and your family or friends in your home. Traditional art history topics include, but are not limited to, all of the topics in the timeline here.

  • Private Enrichment: Expand your horizons and acquire new knowledge, learn more about art in an easy and efficient way, and feel more confident and engaged when visiting museums and galleries.
  • Give your Employees a Unique Experience: Hire me to present a series of lunchtime lectures.
  • Plan Special Event Talks for Your Clients on Traditional Art History or Art Collecting:
    • Traditional art history topics include, but are not limited to, all of the topics in the timeline here.
    • Topics on collecting include an overview of the art market today, challenges in collecting art and how to manage them, caring and maintaining your art collection, and how to plan with your collection.